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Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Baby Bible

I just heard about the 5 s's from a fellow new mother (thanks Cheryl b). I'm sure the 5's are common sense but it was nice to hear it in structured format. the 5 s's are guidelines or methods to try to calm your crying/fussy baby. I like to refer to them as the baby bible. I know this is true for every mother, but it just breaks my heart whenever i see Gabe cry. And i feel horrible when i can't console him!! This was especially true yesterday when Gabe went to the pediatrician for his 8 week checkup.
Gabe at the Pediatrician for his 8 week checkup
weight: 10 lbs 6 ozs
length: 22 in
This meant it was time for vaccinations!! He didn't get 1 shot, but 5 shots!!!!!!!!! I swear it hurt me more than him! He cried his heart out and stared at me as if saying, "why are you doing this to me, mommy??" i literally cried. (maybe i need the 5s for myself!)

I used the 5s method to calm Gabe after the appointment. They are:

1) swaddling

2) side/stomach position - hold baby close to your breast on his side, this puts pressure on his tummy and helps with digestion

3) shushing sounds - mimicks the sounds in the womb. Let me tell you, my new retreat is the bathroom. I just put the fan on and Gabe calms down!! its amazing. I even vacuumed today and he fell asleep right away

4) swinging - babies are used to always being in motion from being in our tummies

5) sucking - whether its a baby bottle/pacifier/etc, this helps soothe the baby.
you can read more details at:

1 comment:

  1. Wow, what a big boy! He is going to be bigger than Alex in no time. Alex is such a lean and long baby.
