We just came back from a wonderful, relaxing trip to Florida. Our small vacation home there can be described as shabby chic. Much of the decor was left from the previous owners so a lot of the vintage looking lamp fixtures, cabinetry, and finishes exude history.
We had a great time watching my parents play with Gabe. Its amazing how much joy he brings them. Of course its no surprise since we love every minute with him, but watching our parents play with him and interact with him makes it extra special.
One morning as I drank my coffee in our sunroom, i read a magazine i stumbled across called, "Working Mother." It had a great article about children and learning to talk. It said that from age 0-36 months babies should be listening to at least 30,000 words a day - A DAY! I already thought i spoke to him a lot. So, the article advised that we speak to our babies as much as we can, since they're brain can soak in so much. While cooking, talking about all the ingredients we're using. While doing chores, explain what we're doing, why we're doing it. Even though they can't talk back, hold conversations with them. Read at least one book a day to our children.
Reading to Gabe is one of my absolute favorite pastimes. He loves reading books. He'll sit in my lap, look at the colorful pictures, look at me while I read and snuggle. Not only is it helping his development but its filling my quota of baby hugs for the day :) I have no clue if this is why, but i read to Gabe every night while he was in my belly - so its been a ritual for quite some time now. Maybe that's why he loves it. Who knows - i hope his love for reading contiues throughout his life.

Gabe's favorite book
"Bunnies are for Kissing"
by: Allia Zobel Nolan
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