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Friday, August 6, 2010

11 week milestones

Baby Gabe amazes me more and more every week. This week a lot of great things have happened (aside from smiling and laughing):

- Gabe slept for 5 hours straight at the night....I'm not sure how consistent this is yet, but i'll take it!!

- his "tummy times" are getting longer and longer - this is a big accomplishment. Gabe always hated tummy time and now he doesn't cry as if i'm torturing him :)

- when he's eating, he holds my finger like its the bottle, and he directs the bottle into his mouth when he's ready to eat, or he pulls my finger away when he's done eating. its sooooo cute

-on his little play mat, there are some rattles that hang down, and Gabe learned to push them. he realized that they would make a noise when he hit it so he would repeat it more and more.

- his neck is getting stronger so when he's in his swing, he can now look up and stare at the mobile and the little mirror

My favorite memory from this week is taking Gabe to Gymboree class. A few people have suggested this and so wil and i decided to take a trial class. We were a bit nervous about how Gabe would do. We took him to a play and learn class for babies ages 0-6 months. Gabe was the youngest one, but he LOOOOOOVED it. he was so cute. Its basically structured play where you sing with the instructor and do different things to enhance or work with the baby's senses. We sang a lot and Gabe was smiling the whole time. The best part for me was the tummy time. we learned how to make tummy time fun for our babies. We used paint brushes and rubbed it all over the baby's body - this helped their sense of touch. We blew bubbles and this helped their sense of sight. All the babies were just staring in awe at all the bubbles.
I play and sing with Gabe all day long, but its nice to learn new ways of interacting with him. Plus this was a great way for me to meet other new mommy's here in atlanta. So needless to say, we signed up. I'm looking forward to these classes for my son. Its definitely something for me as it is for him. i'll keep you posted on future classes. But in the meantime, here's Gabe with his new buddy Gymbo :)

1 comment:

  1. such a cute baby you have. your blog is awesome, and i'm a mommy blogger also! hope to find many more inspirations from you... and now following. have a great wknd!
