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Monday, October 25, 2010

Leaving Home

Again, sorry for the lack of posts, I've been here in NJ for the past 3 weeks. It was meant to be a week and a half trip home but it ended up getting extended to 3weeks!! Wil even had to assure his coworker that we weren't having marital problems :) It was just nice being here - around family and friends. It was a nice change from the quiet, lonely, pace of Atlanta. I miss3 being in my own bed, but i know i'll miss being around the people i love more.

A lot has happened these past 3 weeks that i'd love to share. i'll have more time to myself once i'm back home. But in the meantime, here is a beautiful pic of NJ from the NYC side. I've always loved staring back at the other side from across the Hudson. Not only is it picturesque but it brings back great memories of when Wil and I were just dating. Since we were in a long distance relationship, our time together was so limited so we made the most of our weekends. We would go for dates in NYC and watch the sunset from Battery Park - this is the view we'd always stare back at.

Its such a bittersweet feeling leaving tomorrow. I know everyone here got used to having Gabe around and its going to be such an adjustment for them not to see his smile or hear his giggles for awhile. Luckily, we'll be coming back for the holidays. But in the meantime, Ciao NJ. We'll be back real soon.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Karen, just caught on to your blog...I love it! Especially this piece,Raymond and I have been in Michigan for almost 2 months! We too planned a 2 week maybe 3 week stay...isn't it amazing to be back home with your family and Gabe? There's just so much love! And you never want to leave!! We also had people wondering if our marriage was on the rocks, lol (obviously, non-filipinos) because I stayed in Detroit while Vince was in Atlanta working. You really appreciate your family and friends and also where you grew up more once you have a child, I think. Well, we are still here until our new Chicago digs are in place (another week or so)...and I am dreading how sad my parents will be when we leave, not to mention me and Ray. Thank God for skype!
