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Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Half a year of Happiness

I can't believe I'm even saying this but our little Gabriel is now 6 months old!!! Where the heck is time going?? People always say it flies by fast but you really don't realize it until it passes you by. He's growing right before our very eyes. Every morning when i pick him up from his crib i swear that he grew overnight.

He's doing so many fun things now:

- he can sit up on his own now for a few seconds
- he grabs for things on the table or toys that are farther than arms length
- he giggles all the time
- he sits in his highchair and eats his rice cereal
- he bounces around in his Baby Einstein jumper
- he can hold his baby bottle
- he loves being tickled on his tummy or being kissed a million times on his cheek
- he can squirm from one of the room to the other in less than a minute (i don't think i enjoy this very much though - lol)
- he loves reading books
- he talks and babbles all the time
- Wil and I think he says mama and dada but we have no clue if he knows what it means or if he's just saying jibberish

Its been a half year of learning so much from such a little person. But we can't wait to see what the other half of the year will bring.

So in honor of Mr. Gabe's birthday I baked CHOCOLATE CHIP COOKIE STUFFED CUPCAKES. They were amazing. I'll post the recipe for them as soon as I can.

Happy 6 months to my son Gabriel. Words can even explain how much i love you. Thank you for being our angel.

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