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Friday, January 7, 2011

A Meaningful Existence

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Its a new year and of course I find myself writing my new years resolution list. Every year I say i'm going to stick to them and every year i forget what they are by February. This year I want it to be different. I really want to make moves and I don't want to just talk about them. I want to follow through with them. I found a great article from:

with 5 Surefire ways to stick to your new years resolutions
1) are you trying to change a symptom instead of a root cause?

For example, a lot of people say they want to lose weight. But what caused you to gain weight in the first place? were you unhappy and ate to make yourself feel a temporary happiness? Figure out the root cause of what you're trying to change

2) you must write your resolutions down
This is so important for new years resolutions, for any type of goals in your life, or even for your every day to do list. Write them down so you can visually see what you want to do.

3) don't set goals because everyone is doing it
Set goals because you really want to achieve them and not just because its the New Year and everyone else is doing it

4) program your subconscious mind

You want to wake up thinking about your goal, you want to sleep thinking about your goal - read your goals everyday so you don't forget what you're striving to achieve. Its so easy to get caught up in everyday life and forget about where we want to be. Remember what you want and go for it. Don't get stuck in a rut that you were in last year.
5) increase your desire to reach your goals
There are days we are more motivated than others. Help increase your desire on those days you're less motivated. Think of how your life would be once those goals are achieved. How would your life change? Would you be happier? Keep that in mind to help you stay focused and on track for this year.

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